Transition Program

We work closely with schools to identify specific topic areas in English and Math that students struggle with learning and comprehending. Through this, our team creates engaging and structured educational content and materials to re-engage students and deepen their understanding. Each session is designed to progressively cover subject matter from foundational to advanced concepts and is delivered by our experienced mentors. We offer this program to groups of Year 7, 8, and 9 students.

How do we help?

Transition Structure

Our Year 7 program is designed to support the transition from Primary to Middle School, focusing on building English and Math foundational skills. Within the sessions, mentors will deliver and facilitate topic discussion questions, content summaries, a math quiz utilising ICT tools (i.e. Kahoot and Quizizz), educational recap and practice activities. 

To begin building effective study habits, at each session’s conclusion, students will set weekly SMART goals. Moreover, mentors will actively assist and guide students in approaching practice questions and assessments.

To effectively engage students and foster excitement, the sessions begin with a case briefing, in which students are framed as ‘detectives’ who must complete educational activities to receive clues to assist them in discovering who the culprit is.

Year 7 Transition Program

Year 8 & 9 Transition Program

The Year 8 & 9 program will expand upon prior knowledge and foundational skills from the Year 7 program to support the transition from Middle to High School. On top of delivering our educational content, students will be provided with further assessment support such as feedback, and assistance with planning. Additionally, mock papers and revision materials will be used to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses, enabling our mentors to offer support and further clarification on any uncertain content. 

Students will be introduced to general study and assessment tips. Moreover, there will be further inclusion of study habits at the end of each session, such as: setting up positive study spaces, dealing with procrastination, active recall and spaced repetition, breaking down assessments into smaller tasks, and time management.

Year 7 Mentoring Session Structure

  • Introduces to the students the activities that will be covered during the sessions. This reinforces routine and creates a sense of familiarity to help build rapport with students.

  • Students will be presented with objectives that should be learned by the end of a session. It sets student expectations and guides their learning processes.

  • To immerse them into the learning experience, students are introduced to a scenario in which they are ‘detectives’ and they must discover who the culprit is.

  • It is a summary, activity or discussion question on topics studied during the last session to refresh students’ minds and to make sure they truly understand the content.

  • Students will be introduced to a topic and complete educational activities such as practice questions, worksheets and a Quizizz or Kahoot. This is so students can apply what they learn and ensure that they comprehend the content. Once completed successfully, students will receive a clue from mentors on who the mystery culprit is. There will be 3-4 clue activities in total, beginning with Math then English topics.

  • Students will be tasked with homework and will then write out their SMART goals for the week.

  • At the end of the session, students will be asked who they believe the culprit is and will be revealed. Our detectives have cracked the case!


Meet Our Mentors

What do students have to say about us?